To reach more readers the following post is in english (Um mehr Leser zu erreichen, ist der folgende Beitrag in englisch).
Update 2005-06-08: This plugin is still downloadable but further development is now abandoned. Take a look at its successor, the Comvatars plugin, for a much improved functionality.
A year ago when I started this WordPress Blog I fooled around with a new service called Gravatars (Globally recognized avatars) but the provided WP plugin was very basic and missed all of the elegance known when installing other WP plugins. So I modified the original basic plugin to make things for others a little easier and published it (the post is almost comletely in german). Almost a year ago things have changed much and my initial plugin has been outdated because of a new, much better plugin also called „Gravatars“ provided by Skippy.
Nevertheless I missed some functionality for people who just want to easly install it and see how it works. No default style is provided with the basic Gravatars plugin. So here it is, an addon for the plugin that just do exactly this. It will only work if the original Gravatars by Skippy is installed and activated and you follow this simple configuration adivces for his plugin:
- Delete local avatars
- Delete cached avatars
- Default gravatar size = 16
- Default gravatar image = /<your_blog_directory>/wp-content/gravatars-addendum/guest.gif
- Cache gravatars = No
- Allow local gravatars = No
To install this plugin just extract the provided archive into your wp-content folder and activate it in the admin panel after you followed the above instructions. So in the end the Gravatars AND Gravatars-Addendum Plugin must be activated in your admin panel.
Update 2005-06-08: This plugin is still downloadable but further development is now abandoned. Take a look at its successor, the Comvatars plugin, for a much improved functionality.
For the curious:
Author: Sören Veröffentlicht: 10. Juli 2005 Kategorie: Bloggen Keine KommentareÜber diesen Artikel