Wow! What a game! Unbelievable!! I really thought Chicago Bears would have no trouble winning and controlling the game! The first 14 seconds in the first quarter proofed me right, but then!
WRONG! The Colts taught me a lesson! The Colts just ruled. They played in a constant motion, always controlled and without any risks. The quarterback Peyton Manning kept a cool head and was focused the whole time. Not like „T-Rex“ Grossmann. Rex just totally flipped out. Of course he does not have the experience like Peyton. Rex just couldn´t find his game. Those screw ups were pretty bad for the team. Some of them were caused through the pouring rain, but I believe most of them were the nerves and head of Rex not playing along.
It was really a pleasure watching the game. And yes, the Colts really earned winning the Vince Lombardi Trophy. Congratulations!!
Über diesen Artikel
Author: Jessi
Veröffentlicht: 5. Februar 2007
Kategorie: Unterhalten werden
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