What a game!! Yesterday Sören and I watched the NFC and AFC finals. Wow! The Chicago Bears are just killing their opponents. They are clearly going to be a very hard challenge in the superbowl.
The game between Colts and Patriots was amazing and just thrilling. We thought the Patriots were going to win the finals, but we were actually hoping that the Colts are motivated enough to win this game. And voila!!! They really did! It was just fantastic how they evened out the points and in the last quarter they finished out with a touchdown and a field goal. Wow!
The game was actually boring at the beginning, but both teams woke up and starting working. A lot of mistakes happened during the game. There were also some fouls that we saw but not the referees. And that touchdown by the Patriots in the third quarter… I don´t know, if that was really one. Anyhow, I believe the Chicago Bears are going to win the superbowl. Very clear and with very high points. It will be a great game!
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Author: Jessi
Veröffentlicht: 22. Januar 2007
Kategorie: Unterhalten werden
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