To reach more readers the following post is in english (Um mehr Leser zu erreichen, ist der folgende Beitrag in englisch).
/is‘, “, $content);
// split pattern to avoid WP replacement of more tag
$pattern = ‚/.*$/is‘;
if (is_single())
$pattern = ‚/.*$/is‘;
$content = preg_replace($pattern, “, $content);
$content = preg_replace(‚/
The poll is now closed. Results:
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Restrict content but show up title for everyone (23%)
Protect files attached to restricted content (16%)
Partly restrict content with XHTML tags (10%)
Detailed restriction summary for each post on the „Manage“ page (5%)
Total Votes: 450
For the curious: „>A complete list of plugins I have written for WordPress can be found here.
Über diesen Artikel
Author: Sören
Veröffentlicht: 1. Januar 2006
Kategorie: Bloggen
345 Kommentare: Zu den Kommentaren
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