= 0)
false, ExecPhp_HOMEDIR. ‚/languages‘);
ExecPhp_PLUGINDIR. ‚/‘. ExecPhp_HOMEDIR. ‚/languages‘);
$doc_dir = ExecPhp_HOME_URL. ‚/docs/‘;
$doc_filename = ExecPhp_HOME_DIR. ‚/docs/‘. __s(‚readme.html‘, ExecPhp_PLUGIN_ID);
$content = file_get_contents($doc_filename);
// strip HTML header
$content = preg_replace(‚/^.*/is‘,
“, $content);
// strip HTML footer depending whether viewing the whole post or only
// the excerpt
$pattern = ‚/.*$/is‘;
if (is_single())
$pattern = ‚/.*$/is‘;
$content = preg_replace($pattern, “, $content);
// eval readme.html to generate output of test cases
eval(“ ?> $content
[lang_en]For the curious: „>A complete list of plugins I have written for WordPress can be found here.[/lang_en]
[lang_de]Für Neugierige: „>Eine Liste aller von mir geschriebenen Plugins, findest du hier.[/lang_de]
Über diesen Artikel
Author: Sören
Veröffentlicht: 18. August 2005
Kategorie: Bloggen
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